*Baking Utensils Haul* (affordable)
Hello! Today I went to a all around supply store in my town and went ham on the baking goods. This is what i got! link to the stores online version: https://www.tedi.com/en/company/ (if you're German you could even order online!) In total I payed a price of 28 , 25 € for all. I got three stainless steel bowls , one 24 cm for 2 € and two 16 cm for each 1€. I really wanted to get my own to use only for baking and first invested in smaller sizes. My ideas were to prepare chocolate and creams in them. I also got two spring-form pans, in 20 cm for 3€ and 12 cm for 2 €. I wanted to get different sizes to try out, especially the smaller one since I never used that size in spring-form pans. This aluminum pan was 1,50 €. I'm not sure about the quality, since it doesn't look that well made. But I will give it a try. And for that price it's definitely not a big problem. This is my most expensive purchase (7€): a crêpes pan with a...